Jun 5, 2011

Caring is the best way to preserve

             On June 5 marks the day of the environment.

          The creation date was 1972, on account of a meeting sponsored by the United Nations (UN), to discuss environmental issues, which encompass the planet, known as the United Nations conference.

         The conference brought together 113 countries, where the main agenda dealt with the degradation that man has caused to the environment and risks to their survival, where biological diversity should be preserved beyond any possibility.

         At that meeting, they have created several documents related to environmental issues, as well as a plan to trace the actions of mankind and of the government towards the problem.

       The importance of the date it is due to open discussions about the pollution of air, soil and water, deforestation, reduction of biodiversity and fresh water for human consumption, destruction of the ozone layer, destruction of plant species and forests, extinction of animals, among others.

            Be ethical is  be sustainable!
